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Why do ADHDers Chase Novelties?

ADHDers have a fascination with new and novel experiences. Our ADHD brains are dopamine seeking and fresh, new experiences can give us some of the biggest dopamine boosts!

ADHDers have a fascination with new and novel experiences. Our ADHD brains are dopamine seeking and fresh, new experiences can give us some of the biggest dopamine boosts!

Because of this, many ADHDers are more likely to jump hobbies, careers, relationships, and interests. But we may find it useful to be a jack of all trades!

We may make more spur of the moment decisions and change plans. We can be very passionate about things we take an interest in!

But because of this passion, it can be easy to lose ourselves in novelties! This can lead us to neglect loved ones, responsibilities, and other things we value.

But because of this passion, it can be easy to lose ourselves in novelties! This can lead us to neglect loved ones, responsibilities, and other things we value.

It can also be frustrating when we put a lot of time, effort, and sacrifice into a new novel fixation only to have a sudden loss of interest.

If you're an ADHDer with a fascination for new and novel experiences, consider the following...

  • HARNESS THE NOVEL Get creative to make your daily tasks more interesting

    • Try a new method

    • Listen to a podcast instead of music or vice versa

    • Take a different route

    • New position or location while working

  • SCHEDULE YOUR FIXATION Plan timeslots or set days in your week for priorities and your interest. It can also build motivation with the anticipation of getting through the week for guilt-free time with your interest.

Ready to try something new? My # 1 best selling book/workbook 'Activate Your ADHD Potential' is your next favorite tool for LIFE! Unlike other books, this features a guide to help customize the experience to your knowledge & needs.

Keep it Fresh ;)

Coach Brooke

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